
Stacey Dicks

About Stacey Dicks

Stacey Dicks is a Wholistic Wellness Coach, Mindbody Practitioner, Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach and Faith Coach. She is also a Christian, wife, and dog mom.

​Stacey endured a 17-plus year health journey of over 20 symptoms, including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, IBS, severe sitting pain, multiple chemical sensitivity, and tingling and burning throughout her body. She was even in a wheelchair at times and prayed that God would mercifully take her in her sleep. Thank God that He knew better than she did!

After 17 years of futile treatments from eastern to western medicine, supplements, trying every diet under the sun and even a protocol for which she moved to another state for 7 months in hopes of getting her healing there, nothing worked until she found mindbody medicine and brain retraining. After consistently applying the techniques, she started seeing gradual improvements in her health and even went back to school while still healing for her diplomas as a Mindbody Practitioner and Holistic Life Coach.

While in school, God showed Stacey the missing piece of her healing journey puzzle – the biblical promise of healing today, on earth, for everyone. Not just for her, but also for YOU. It was Stacey’s constant prayer during her illness that God would use it all for good and to help others, and He has! Stacey loves coaching clients wholistically towards optimal health and wellness in mind, body and spirit.

Stacey has a passion to help individuals achieve their healthiest selves by attaining wholistic health – health in mind, body and spirit/faith. She coaches clients in the areas of mindbody, fitness, and faith.

She developed Stretch & Breathe, a somatics nervous system regulation class that perfectly compliments brain retraining and helps people resume movement safely, and with confidence. She plans to develop more movement courses in the future.

In her free time, Stacey enjoys hiking with her husband and dogs, traveling, working out, entertaining and getting together with friends – truly living life to the fullest!

Stacey Dicks

Professional Credentials & Expertise

Certified Holistic
Life Coach

Certified Mind-Body Practitioner

Freedom From Chronic Pain Practitioner

Freedom From Chronic Pain Development program

Pain Reprocessing Therapy Healing Workshop

Certified Personal Trainer since 2009