Christian Brain rewire

Frequently Asked Questions

No. It is not a requirement for program participants to be a born-again believer in order to do this brain rewiring program. However, half of the program content is focused around biblical healing principles, the promises of God’s Word, our authority in Christ, and what His Word says about healing. The other half of the program content is based in neuroplasticity science and tools that have proven helpful in brain rewiring from a scientific perspective. We have combined and woven these two core foundational pillars seamlessly throughout the program to achieve what we believe is the most comprehensive Christian-based brain rewiring program in the mindbody and chronic illness arena.

No. This is a brain retraining program that focuses dually on neuroscience and Biblical healing principles and tools. Together, these two core areas provide a strong foundation for renewing the mind to the truth of God’s Word and retraining the brain from sickness to health.

This program does not contain diet or exercise components. However, your coaches have extensive knowledge in effectively reincorporating exercise, movement and foods back into your routine.

No. The focus of this program is retraining the brain and renewing the mind to God’s Word, which does not include purchasing supplements. There is no additional cost beyond the initial program purchase. It’s absolutely ok if you are currently taking supplements, and you can do this program alongside any supplements or medications that you are taking. We never advise that you stop any supplements or medications without consulting with your doctor.

A diagnosis is not a strict requirement for us to work together. While having a diagnosis can provide valuable insight, it’s important to note that we can still assist you without one. We have specific criteria and tools at our disposal that enable us to assess whether you might be experiencing mindbody syndrome, even if an official diagnosis is not available.

Both of your coaches have completed Dr. Howard Schubiner’s course, “Freedom from Chronic Pain,” which equips us with the skills to identify and address mindbody syndrome. This training has given us the expertise to evaluate your situation and guide you appropriately.

If your concerns fall outside the realm of mindbody syndrome, please refer to the question “Do you only work with people suffering from mindbody syndrome?” for further clarification. Our goal is to support you on your journey toward improved well-being, improved and abundant health, whether or not you have a formal diagnosis.

No, our focus is primarily on helping individuals who are dealing with mindbody syndrome. However, our belief is that Jesus paid for everyone’s healing, and we are committed to offering support to anyone seeking healing and wholeness. While we specialize in teaching neuroplasticity and the connection between mind and body, we offer dual specialization in Neuroplasticity and Biblical healing principles.

Some medical professionals propose that all conditions fall under the umbrella of mindbody syndrome and that all disease begins in the brain. Regardless of the specific diagnosis, our mission is to stand beside you on your journey to well-being. Through biblical teachings, prayer, and unwavering encouragement, we are here to provide comprehensive support as you pursue a path of healing and restoration.

We are not doctors, so therefore we are unable to give medical advice, as that is deemed outside the scope of our practice as coaches. We always recommend that a thorough medical evaluation is done by your doctor(s) in order to rule out serious structural issues like a tumor, infection, inflammatory condition, nerve damage or fracture. After these conditions are ruled out by medical experts, we can help you rule in mindbody syndrome.

If you’ve been experiencing chronic non-structural pain, medically unexplained symptoms and/or chronic syndromes like fibromyalgia, irritable bowel or complex regional pain syndrome, to name just a few, there is so much hope for healing by addressing mindbody syndrome through the multi-faceted approach and tools we teach to rewire your brain and body to full health and functionality. We have numerous assessments, evaluations and tools that will help you to gain confidence in, fully understand, and effectively implement the process of treating your non-structural medical concerns through rewiring your brain to safety and optimal health. And even if you have a condition that falls outside of the mindbody syndrome diagnosis, we believe that Jesus paid for all symptoms and dis-ease and we teach clients how to stand on God’s promises and the authority He has given us over symptoms.

You can do this program alongside working with your doctor. It does not have to be one or the other. If you are currently on medications, we recommend you keep working with your doctor to properly manage dosage.

Oftentimes in an extended healing journey, people seek out many different specialists in a quest for answers and relief from symptoms. While we believe that most practitioners have the best interest of their patients in mind, many specialists like naturopaths and functional medicine doctors run extensive tests that determine multiple dysfunctions in their patients. Patients are often led to purchase numerous, expensive supplements and implement difficult, restrictive diets in an effort to alleviate symptoms and find relief.

The truth of the matter is that every single organ and system in the body is connected to the brain and nervous system. Therefore, it’s no surprise that living in a state of fight-or-flight with a highly dysregulated nervous system produces test results that indicate a variety of markers that are out of range.

Treating a dysregulated, hypersensitive nervous system with supplements and diets will not repair one’s health whose root issues stem from the brain. All of the coaches who had multiple test results out of range for years healed their symptoms, and test results fell back into range after significant brain retraining and mind renewal to God’s Word.

Our program is designed to assist individuals dealing with a broad spectrum of diagnoses falling under mindbody syndrome. It’s important to note that the range of conditions encompassed by mindbody syndrome is vast, and creating an exhaustive list is a challenging task. For a comprehensive understanding of the conditions that our program has been effective in addressing, we recommend visiting THIS PAGE

Our coaching team brings a unique dimension to the program, as both of the coaches have a personal journey of overcoming a wide array of diagnoses. This collective experience allows us to relate to an extensive range of health challenges. While mindbody syndrome is a guiding framework, we believe that Jesus paid for every sickness and disease. It’s worth mentioning that our approach aligns with the notion that healing encompasses emotional, spiritual, and physical aspects.

These coaching services are NOT for you if:

  • You want a quick fix
  • You aren’t willing to put in the time and effort required to rewire your brain
  • You want to challenge or argue against MBS with the coaches instead of finding evidence to support MBS

Our coaching services are for you if:

  • You’ve explored many other treatments and nothing has worked
  • Doctors haven’t been able to explain your symptoms or you have received diagnoses that don’t “sit right” with you
  • You are willing to commit to the process of brain rewiring and mind renewal
  • You realize that coaching services are an important investment towards your healing

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